Bali09 Verses on Respect (p 29).mp3 Verses on Respect 禮敬偈 - 佛學多媒體資料庫

佛學多媒體資料庫 > 佛曲音樂 > 讚偈/偈頌/祈請文 > 巴利經誦 > Bali09 Verses on Respect (p 29).mp3


檔案名稱Bali09 Verses on Respect (p 29).mp3檔案大小1,835 KB
BitRateCBR 256 Kbps解析度 X  
提 供 者ryan日  期2010/11/14
美國慈林寺 下載次數3490
檔案說明Verses on Respect 禮敬偈
    Phenomenal breakdown of the topic, you solhud write for me too!
    2013/2/13 from ip:
    KMvoEn ddytdktijyur
    2013/2/14 from ip:
    Your website is almost certainly surely the greatest . Over-all perception of the page is probably lovely.....:) Forzest | Edegra
    2013/7/6 from ip:
    A prtvocaoive insight! Just what we need!
    2014/8/19 from ip:



HJYLqbXlO Hemant 2013/2/16
Way to use the intrenet to help people solve problems!

回覆  from ip: 

muGWgLsrrJbE Virak 2013/2/14
Stands back from the keyboard in ameazemnt! Thanks!

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  • I said on the first  Melia 2016/8/8
    I said on the first day Steve Lewis had this story splashed all over the front pages screaming SEX SCANDAL and dieovcsring it had no sex that it was another Grech set up.Lewis is really a disgusting piece of work, like Bolt and Akerman, who are hired to infest NewsLtd. rags.

    回覆  from ip: 

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