檔案名稱 | JQ_WDPJG06.rmvb | 檔案大小 | 133,559 KB |
MD5 | 73660cd523f7deb49ff37e10ee866df8 | 時間長度 | 51分16秒 |
BitRate | 348 Kbps | 解析度 | 720 X 576 |
提 供 者 | 佛因 | 日 期 | 2010/11/2 |
來源出處 (發行單位) | 下載次數 | 1051 | |
檔案說明 | 我的判教觀 6/6, 濟群法師 | ||
推薦人次 | +3
2016/4/22 from ip: |
it better mtself Bri Reno 2016/4/22 it better mtself Brittany! evey spare minute ive had, my face was in my ipad or ip;&oen#8230h.i just couldnt put it down. 2 books – 2 days LOOOOOOOVED THEM!!!! counting the days till the 31st…what a great New Years gift we shall have! Thanks so muchRaine for Ethan & Brynne <3 keep up the bloody fab work x 回覆 from ip: |