HNZ_WLSJ21.mp3 《黃念祖居士講座》無量壽經講座 21 - 佛學多媒體資料庫

佛學多媒體資料庫 > 佛學講座 > 佛學講座-聲音檔 > 黃念祖居士 > 無量壽經講座 > HNZ_WLSJ21.mp3


檔案名稱HNZ_WLSJ21.mp3檔案大小13,585 KB
BitRateCBR 32 Kbps解析度 X  
提 供 者Amida日  期2005/10/28
高雄淨宗學會  下載次數615
檔案說明《黃念祖居士講座》無量壽經講座 21
    Phoemennal breakdown of the topic, you should write for me too!
    2016/4/22 from ip:



Hi, i bought a bulld Lefty 2016/4/22
Hi, i bought a bulldog pacakge a while back, and i honestly havent been able to figure out how to use ball grip with rig. infact i have never attached it before. i have looked at the pictures you put up but i&71;8#2m still lost as to how to apply it to achieve dynamic shots. please can you help to explain it better? perhaps with pictures. Thanks

回覆  from ip: 

  • You have composed an Millicent 2016/4/22
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    回覆  from ip: 

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